Sustainable Development Goals and the Future of our Planet

Sustainable Development Goals and the Future of our Planet



Yes, yes, yes.....please get out and exercise your constitutional right to vote.  However, I want to discuss something else that affects everyone on our planet and that is the sustainability of our world. 

The United Nations Sustainable Development Plan: a 17 point call to action for every country on our planet whether rich, poor or middle class. You don't have to be a Republican, Democrat or Independent to support these goals - you just have to care about humanity. Below are the first six (certainly even Biden and Trump can agree on these) but here is a link to all 17 goals:

1. No poverty - maybe this is a fantasy but wouldn't it be wonderful if no one had to live without clothing, food or a roof over their heads?

2. Zero hunger - end hunger and promote sustainable agriculture.  Over 26% of the world population suffers from food insecurity.  Food insecurity can lead to malnutrition and poor health which in turn drains our world economy. While we cannot save everyone in the world, in the US we can make changes to our farming practices which could make a huge difference for future generations. According the the USDA, "sustainable agricultural practices are intended to protect the environment, expand the Earth’s natural resource base, and maintain and improve soil fertility". 

3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being at any age - this has been made more difficult by the global Covid-19 pandemic.

4. Quality education and the availability of lifelong educational opportunities for all.

5. Gender Equality - I will always be grateful to my role model Ruth Bader Ginsberg (1933-2020) for helping push equal rights forward, both nationally and globally.

6. Clean Water and Sanitation

In this hostile political environment in which we currently exist, it would be nice to be able to all agree about basic human needs and rights.




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