Putting Together a Dream Bedroom

Putting Together a Dream Bedroom

Clients recently asked me to put together a scheme for their bedroom.  They let me have a free hand with the only requirement that the design be built around their oriental rug which is a precious heirloom given to them by one of their parents. I used this as a jumping off point and immediately found THIS linen, block printed fabric from Cowtan and Tout:



Here is a close up:


We added a fun papier mache chandelier, rattan dresser to keep things light, hand-molded ceramic lamps and blue grasscloth nightstands to ground the room.

The Mood Board:

I also asked the team at Sotre to help me with some custom bedding and that will complete the look!

I cannot wait to show you the finished product!




PS -.....the rug that was the inspiration!

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